Thursday, April 30, 2020

What is the difference between a court and a tribu Essays

What is the difference between a court and a tribunal? Rules of evidence are sacred to courts while tribunals adopt a relaxed approach to these rules In courts, people rarely get a chance to speak and most of the talking is done by lawyers. On the other hand, tribunals encourage people to stand up and speak and lawyers have little role to play in the settlement of disputes. Courts have the power to adjudicate in a variety of cases whereas tribunals specialize in a particular area. Explain the functions of the International Criminal Court. The functions are committing crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. What are the differences between the International criminal court and the international court of Justice? The International Criminal Court can prosecute Individuals that committed war, Humanity and genocide crimes. The international Court of Justice is the judiciary branch of the UN, and cannot prosecute individual, the court only resolve controversies that arose between countries that are members of UN, it can only impose sanctions for the sentenced country. Why do we need international courts or tribunals? International courts and tribunals are a very important component of the international system because of their role and contributions to ensuring accountability of individuals and of states for internationally wrongful acts which violate basic human rights and endanger international peace and security. What crimes are generally prosecuted in the International Criminal Court? The core crimes under international law are genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the crime of aggression.

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